Alpha Bot


Alpha Bot

In current times the way of doing business, increasing the productivity and profitability is much easier than before, because the technology and our ways of doing business have evolved so much in past few decades. Physical and manual works got replaced with digital world, and now digital processes are getting replaced with robot process automation. If “machine learning” sounds like the beginning of a bleak dystopian future, think The Terminator mixed with The Matrix and then “Robot Process Automation” must be the phase when the machines rise up to rule humankind with ruthless efficiency.

Companies are adapting RPA to cut down their operational cost and increase their productivity, but they are not stopping their with just RPA, most of the companies have also onboarded Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistant Bots to reach to the next level of advancement.

At EMS we have developed a state of the art, an advanced and very powerful Robot Automation Platform called AlphaBOT, which is has a strength of Robot Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistant BOT. AlphaBot is your digital worker that never sleeps and keep on working for you around the clock 24/7 and 365 days a year. AlphaBot is the one of its kind, as it has the capability of taking the commends through WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams and Emails.

It is a Robotic Software Engine that Contains libraries Build Based on Supervised Machine Learning to perform Actions over Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp web page Using RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Technology. These Actions allow the Robot to Receive Text Codes from Specific Users by WhatsApp, MS Teams or Email and Perform the execution of RPA Processes and Share the results to Users through WhatsApp, MS Teams or Email channels. Each Text Code is defined and connected with RPA Process to Specific user or group of users using their mobile phone numbers and all of this will be done by an Admin user Using AlphaBot Windows Application with Zero Coding. Each Text Code can contain, if required any information to be used inside the RPA process such as query keywords or data form to be filled or anything else.

It is completely secured and works on-premises. No need to open multiple Application to get the required reports, send a short request to AlphaBot and get all of the reports within few seconds through MS TEAMS, Email or WhatsApp, this keeps you updated 24/7 with your organization/Departmental Performance.
AlphaBot has made the life of an employee a lot easier, as they can send IT support Tickets or other requests to their HR, Accounts, Procurement, Contracts department through their MS TEAMS or WhatsApp, and can also receive the response through the same medium.

With AlphaBot sky is the limit, when you think about automating any of your easy, medium or complex processes. It will change the way you use to work before, and will empower you and your organization in getting ready for the future.

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